Pro Tools 200Lv Operator Music

뮤직 프로덕션에서 가장 중요한 부분은 효율성, 유연성 및 창조성입니다.
Pro Tools 오퍼레이터(뮤직) 자격증 과정은 뮤직 프로덕션 과정을 상세히 안내하고 트래킹, 에디팅에서부터 믹싱과 마스터링에 이르기까지 Pro Tools로 최상의 음악을 제작하실 수 있는 방법을 알려 드립니다. 교육과정을 이수하시게 되면 인증된 Pro Tools 오퍼레이터(Music)가 되실 수 있습니다.

  • - 산업 현장 실무 중심의 실습 교육.
  • - 레코딩 스튜디오에서 진행되는 실전 교육.
  • - Control Surface를 활용한 Mixing Techniques.
  • - Pro Tools HD Software & Hardware System으로 교육.
  • - 향상된 Audio Recording, Mixing, Mastering Techniques.
  • - MIDI CC Data의 이해와 활용법. MIDI Implementation의 이해.
  • - Synthesizer, Sound Module, Sampler, Drum Machine 활용교육.
  • - Virtual Instrument(가상악기)의 효율적 사용 및 레코딩, 믹싱 테크닉 교육.
  • - 오디오 케이블 제작부터 프로오디오 아웃보드 셋업 등 홈 스튜디오 구축 교육.

16강 60시간 교육을 진행합니다.

정규 과정
4개월 동안 주1회 수업이며 1회당 4시간씩 교육합니다.

Pro Tools Operator Music
자격증 취득 조건
- Pro Tools 100 및 200 레벨 Music 과정과 프로젝트/실습 모두 이수
- 100 레벨 시험과 201 코스 시험 통과
- 최종 Pro Tools Operator Music 자격증 시험 통과

Pro Tools Operator Music 자격증으로
업계에서 인정받고
취업에도 도움이 될 수 있습니다.

Pro Tools Operator Music 자격증이
제공하는 혜택

- Avid 국제 공인 자격증 발급(Certified Operator Music License)
- 사용자로서의 자신감 부여와 취업 시 사용 능력에 대한 확신 제공
- 입증된 전문가로서 업계에서 인정
- 검색 서비스가 지원되는 Avid 공인 전문가 데이터베이스에 등록


정규 과정
월 440.000원 * 4개월

총 교육비 : 1.760.000원

프로툴스 자격증 200레벨 Music과정 커리큘럼

Lesson 1
Working with Pro Tools l Ultimate
  • - Overview of Pro Tools Systems
    - Understanding the Pro Tools Mixer
    - Optimizing a Pro Tools l HD Native System
    - Using Low Latency Monitoring with Pro Tools l HD Native

Lesson 2
Customizing Pro Tools
  • - The I/O Setup Dialog Box
    - Making Track Assignments
    - Pro Tools Metering and Display Options
    - Working with Window Configurations
    - Customizing Pro Tools Through Preferences

Lesson 3
Session Configuration and Track Management
  • - Voice Allocation
    - Disk Allocation
    - Acrolling, Navigations, and Display Options
    - Status Indicators
    - Duplicating Tracks
    - Sharing Tracks for Collaboration
    - Using Track Presets

Lesson 4
Session Management
  • - Managing Media with Workspace Browsers
    - Using Workspace Browsers
    - Task Manager Overview
    - Sessions with Missing Files

Lesson 5
Selection Techniques
  • - Creating Selections
    - Nudging, Shifting, and Duplicating
    - Auditioning Selections
    - Auditioning the Start and End of a Selection
    - Storing Selections in Memory Locations

Lesson 6
Editing Session Media
  • - Alternate Tools and Tool Functions
    - Selecting and Editing within Folder Tracks
    - Clip Editing Techiques
    - Clip Alignment Techniques
    - Commands Keyboard Focus Mode

Lesson 7
Clip-Based Processing
  • - Clip Gain Basics
    - Editing Clip Gain
    - Advanced Clip Gain Functions
    - Using Clip Effects (Pro Tools l Ultimate Only)
    - Removing and Rendering Clip Effects

Lesson 8
Automation Functions
  • - Pro Tools l Ultimate Automation Modes
    - Working with Automation
    - Using AutoMatch Functions
    - Writing Automation over Long Sections
    - Editing Automation
    - Suspending Automation

Lesson 9
Mixing and Plug-In Processing
  • - Common Mixing Settings
    - Basic Submixing
    - Plug-In Linking
    - Working with Plug-In Settings
    - Side Chain Processing
    - Processing-Induced Delays

Lesson 10
Advanced Mixing and Finishing Techniques
  • - Group Attributes
    - Working with Groups
    - VCA Master Tracks
    - Creating a Final Mix
    - Mixdown Techniques
    - Converting High Sample Rate Sessions

Lesson 11
Preparing a Session for Music Composition
*Pro Tools 201 Level Test *
  • - Customizing Sessions with MIDI Setup
    - Routing MIDI Signals in Pro Tools
    - Interacting with External Devices
    - Working with Complex Song Structures
    - Matching Session Tempo to an Audio Loop
    - Reusing Tracks and Session Data

Lesson 12
Tracking and Overdubbing
  • - Recording Virtual Instruments with MIDI Controllers
    - Tracking Techiques for MIDI Instruments
    - Monitoring Mode Options and Preferences
    - QuickPunch and TrackPunch Recording
    - Recording Multiple Takes

Lesson 13
Editing and Fine-Tuning Audio
  • - Working in Dynamic Transport Mode
    - Compositing from Playlists
    - Customizing Fades
    - Using the Pencil Tool For Waveform Repair
    - Introduction to Beat Detective
    - Using Beat Detective to Conform Audio

Lesson 14
Editing and Fine-Tuning MIDI
  • - Enhancing MIDI Performances
    - MIDI Real-Time Properties in Depth
    - Editing and Arranging with MIDI Notes
    - Using Multi-Timbral Plug-Ins

Lesson 15
Advanced MIDI Production
  • - The MIDI Editor Window
    - MIDI Editor Window Toolbar
    - MIDI Editor Window Views
    - Introduction to the Score Editor
    - Adjusting the Appearance of Scores
    - Editing in the Score Editor

Lesson 16
Enhancing Drum Performances
  • - Creating MIDI Drum Patterns
    - Processing MIDI Drum Performances
    - Supplementing a Drum Recording
    - Best Detective for Multi-track Drums

Lesson 17
Song Structure, Key, and Tempo
  • - Tempo Basics
    - Advanced Tempo Editing
    - Using Beat Detective to Create a Tempo Map
    - Working with Key Changes
    - Working with Chord Symbols

Lesson 18
Arranging and Producing
  • - Managing Sound Collections
    - Modifying and Updating Catallogs
    - Sound Design for Music
    - Song Arrangement
    - Delay Compensation and MIDI Offsets
    - Delay Compensation and Hardware Inserts

Lesson 19
Mixing and Automation
  • - Organizing Sessions for Mixing
    - Working with Submixes
    - Writing Static Mixer Settings
    - Using Preview Mode for Static Automation
    - Using Punch Preview
    - Using Trim Automation
    - Stereo Mixing and Pan Depth

Lesson 20
Printing Your Mix
  • - Outputting Stems
    - Using Destructive Record for Mixes and Stems
    - Using Mirrored Outputs
    - Exporting MP3 Files

    *Pro Tools Certified Operator Exam
    Completion Ceremony

* Completion Ceremony *
* Pro Tools Operator Music Exam *
  • * Avid Pro Tools 200레벨 Operator Music 국제 공인 자격 시험 *

    * 수료식 *